Some Comforting Words You Might Need to Hear When Life Feels Dark and Heavy

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..And when talking about it feels too overwhelming

When fear rises,
understand that it is usually
because you have lost touch
with yourself.
treat fear as a message
to create some space
to invite the stillness and
unconditional love of your
deeper self to be felt.


April Greeen

Whenever life feels dark and heavy, you might forget how to breathe. You might forget how to open your eyes a little bit wider, or forget the scent of earth — the comfort of remembering you are never truly alone.

It is a feeling I have navigated countless times over the many changing seasons of my life.

Not only through the significant events — losing jobs, divorce, breast cancer, addiction, grief, and the recent big one: empty nest syndrome — sometimes, the little things in between carry the most weight.

But, what always startles me once the dark season passes is that it always gifts me a new lesson, a new connection, a different kind of frequency.

And always, always the rediscovery of a message pressed inside a journal like sacred scripture: “Return to yourself.”

Each time the light starts shifting, I always come to realise that I have traveled too far from myself.

A song for you:

Sometimes we get lost because we’re trying to get somewhere we were never destined to be.

Sometimes, our vision becomes blurred because we look in the distance and not at the earth beneath our feet.

Sometimes, we run, numb, and hide to avoid how we truly feel. We want relief, but unconsciously, we do all the wrong things and look in all the wrong places.

Sometimes, we hold our breath as though it will silence the inner pain.

I once heard depression described as a ball of sadness. I can only imagine then that the ball of sadness is like a chunk of frozen tears.

‘Cry’ is one of the first things I always tell myself. “It’s okay. I give you permission to cry.”

You are the answer

Your deeper self knows the answer.

So it is from this self that I invite you to write the comforting words your sad self needs to hear.

For it is this self that you must return to each time you feel lost and overwhelmed. The deeper self.

The one that never leaves you. The one that sits inside the echo of your beating heart, lays you down when you need to rest, hears the birdsong, not your thoughts, and keeps your feet on the ground when you feel yourself floating away.

Return to your Self.

Reminders for your journal when the dark times cause you to forget:

  1. You are the answer. Return to yourself. Return to your beating heart and delicate breath like the faint mist of morning light guiding you back to life.
  2. Right now, in this very moment.
    In this very moment right now — you are safe.
  3. You don’t need to be moving forward. There isn’t a destination. If just showing up is all you can do today, that’s okay. (That’s all you ever need to do.)
  4. At the root of your problems are people who feel exactly the same. Find them.
  5. Speak how you feel out of yourself, and your feelings will soften. (Be honest about how you feel — hide nothing from yourself.)
  6. Trust that there is nothing out there that can make you feel any more whole, any more worthy, or any more complete than you already are. Feel into this and know it to be true.
  7. Get out your journal and write down a time when you felt safe. Describe what was happening. Who were you with. What did the air taste like? How did the light fall. What do you remember the most?
  8. Walk on the Earth barefoot. Sway with the breeze. Dance gently.
  9. Don’t allow this painful season to rob you of remembering the things that matter the most.
  10. You will find your way back. You always do.

The best way I have discovered to stay connected to this wholeness is through my ongoing relationship with the healing power of nature – the elements, the life force.

Read more about how to heal and strengthen your self-worth.

Healing your inner child

Read my free eBook – if you want to more about how to heal your core wounds, and inner child with the healing power of nature. You can also order a paperback copy with quotes and poems, and blank pages for your notes from Amazon.

Healing you inner Child Free E-book

Instant download

free 100 page eBook for you: “Healing Your Inner Child.” Download it here 

If you would like to know how Root Cause Therapy and Soul Retrieval can help you release your trapped emotions and dis-empowering beliefs, book a free discovery call with me.

It’s an honor to be here sharing my words with you, and I am incredibly grateful for the time you have taken to follow my journey, and read my words. Feel free to keep in touch:

Sending love and light always, April xxx
