Imagine if...
you could embody your power and create the kind of change in your life that mattered to YOU?
what would it feel like?
What does a healing session with me look like?
Booking a free 20-minute discovery call with me is invaluable in helping you trust that you have chosen the right person to help you take the next step in your healing journey. In that call we will discuss the areas you feel you want to improve, or change, in order to get back in touch with your authentic self, and start living in alignment with your purpose.
During this chat you will get an understanding of how I work and if I am the right healer and coach for you.
The cost of the consultation is FREE and is conducted over the tlephone or Zoom. Everything we say is private and confidential.
The Sessions: All sessions are intuitive, open-ended and exploratory in nature, and I will guide you into a space of presence, where your own wisdom and innate, spiritual intelligence can bring about harmony, insight and healing.
Sessions are for you to discover more about yourself, but the area I will always invite you practice with me first is grounding, and nervous system regulation.
I will then introduce into our sessions a wide range of techniques tailored to you such as muscle testing for dis-empowering beliefs, Root Cause Therapy, EFT (emotional freedom technique), Inner Child Healing, scripting, energy work, breathwork, and meditation.
All sessions are carried out via zoom, and additional support is provided via email between sessions.
What is Embodied Healing?
Embodiment simply means “inhabiting the body.”
And by inhabiting the body more fully, you can learn ways to process your trapped emotions and access your authentic self more fully. Once you feel comfortable with this, you will start to become more in tune with the flow of sensation, emotion, and feeling which is the language of the body's experience of life, and the compass and guidance system for you.
With the guidance of a therapist who helps you remember your innate healing wisdom with a wide range of somatic and energetic techniques, you can learn to process your emotions, and access your own internal resources for depth, truth, clarity, and wisdom . This gives you a new foundation to move towards the life you truly deserve.
What is Trauma Informed Manifestation?
Manifesting is bringing into physical form whatever it is that you desire and envision. And, the energy that you hold in your vibrational field is the energy that you create from. So, if you have unhealed emotions and limiting beliefs, then you will unconsciously be manifesting from this place, and you will keep attracting the same things into your life.
If you do manifest something new: (growth), then you may not feel safe, or regulated enough to uphold it. So, in order to manifest what you truly desire, you need to put yourself into a space of feeling safe, grounded, non-resistant, and energetically aligned with your highest self.
Manifesting through a trauma informed lens therefore focuses on feeling safe, and worthy enough to have what you desire.
I combine embodied healing with trauma informed manifestation so that you can envision what you desire, and then align your beliefs, your thoughts, your emotions, and your nervous system with this desire.
What is
Root Cause
Root-Cause Therapy is a holistic healing method, also referred to as Soul Retrieval, that helps you heal past events that are affecting you strongly in the present. It embraces neuroscience and contemporary understanding about why you are experiencing negative situations, and blocks in your life that are preventing you from creating the space for change.
Root-Cause Therapy differs from mainstream therapy which treats symptoms. In Root Cause Therapy, we ask the mind and the body where the root cause is, and take your there to facilitate your healing and release any trapped emotions somatically. Any dis-empowering beliefs that could be causing the emotional, physical, mental or spiritual issues are also rewired during the session.
What you will learn, among other things...
How to identify the fears and beliefs which serve as blocks to your happiness;
How to connect with your inner child and become the secure attachment figure they need;
How to overcome dissatisfaction and reach contentment;
How to use energetic tools to break down your heart wall, and overcome anxiety and self-doubt;
How to release old patterns and traumas that no longer serve you;
How to harness the power of the present moment, deepen your intuition, and make conscious choices aligned with your authentic self, and your highest vision.
How to understand your energy system, your core wounds, and how you normally respond to life, so that you can get out of survival mode and back into truly living.
How to build a creative practice including writing and publishing.
2 Hour Session
If you are struggling with how to process your emotions; if you feel stuck in your current situation, or if you want to talk about how to build a creative practice then this 2 hour session will be perfect for you.
I will find out in advance exactly what you would like some guidance on, but an idea of specific areas my clients usually focus on are listed below:
Clarity: Find meaning and purpose in your direction so that you can build a lifestyle that fills you with excitement and joy.
Habit: If you are thinking about quitting an addiction, this session will help you understand the origin of your pain, and learn somatic and embodied tools for regulating your nervous system.
Release: Examine beliefs, stories, identities, emotions, and patterns that are holding you back from awakening to your true nature. Learn how to harness the power of presence, deepen your intuition and grow spiritually.
Manifest: Learn how to energetically work through anxiety, clear resistance, and release triggers so that you can start to heal and grow towards your goal.
Create: As an author of 6 books and the curator of a successful paid newsletter, I can help you cultivate your creativity. In this session, we will work through strategies to integrate in your daily, weekly, and seasonal rituals and routines to help you harness your creative expression.
Your 2 hour session will be followed up with personalised aftercare including links to private meditations on my YouTube channel and more!
Additional one hour sessions can be booked at a reduced rate.
Positive Sobriety and Self-Care Programme
If you are ready to start your transformative journey towards a life of sobriety, then I would strongly recommend a 6 or 12 week programme. Please book a free discovery call with me, or complete an enquiry form.
I am a Sober Club Accredited Coach and combine my long term experience of sobriety with additional trauma informed modalities such as Root Cause Therapy, EFT, and Somatic Healing.
Healing Sessions - Pricing
Single Sessions
Single 2 Hour Healing Session = £125
Single 45 minute EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Session = £40 Book here.
3 x Root Cause Therapy Sessions: (90 minutes each, at least 1 week apart) = £240
4 weeks = £300 (1 x 90 minute session, and 3 x 1 hour)
6 weeks = £425 (1 x 90 minute session, and 5 x 1 hour)
12 weeks = £800 (1 x 90 minute session, and 11 x 1 hour)
What Does Each Package Include?
We meet for calls
via Zoom
Sessions will include a thorough consultation before I introduce a wide range of techniques tailored to your desired outcome. I then guide you towards creating some action steps
for moving forwards.
We connect between calls via
WhatsApp or Email
If you have questions, or want to
share your insights you can contact me anytime.
BONUS trainings and resources tailored to your needs
I will also provide you with
aftercare and further information tailored to you, such as journal prompts, EFT scripts, additional reading, and links to my private, recorded meditations.